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Showing posts from 2012

Potato Head Genetics

This  activity  is to help introduce genetics and Punnett Squares using the toys Mr. and Mrs. Potato Head. I created it in my first years of teaching and had a lot of fun with it. I updated this to create a free download of the activity from my Teachers Pay Teachers store. Please check it out and leave feedback!

Dropping Your Genes

This is an activity that I learned of when I student taught.  I took the worksheet and revamped it to make it less confusing for students.  The only bummer is I cannot figure out how to post it all so it looks like it would in Word or a PDF.  The only part that is is missing is the page with the chromosomes on it. This is a nice introduction activity for middle school or high school when you begin the discussion of heredity.   Name: _____________________________                       Genes Activity Procedure: Determine your phenotype (outward trait) and then the genotype (alleles present for trait) for each trait and record in the given column.  If you are unsure if you are homozygous (AA) or heterozygous (Aa) for a trait, consider yourself heterozygous. Transfer your genotypes to the chromosomes by writing one allele in each box on the corresponding chromosome. Initial your chromosomes. Cut out the chromosomes and fold them o

Teacher Appreciation Week!

I am doing some research on when sales are and here is what I found in order of date: Staples - Depends on location; Free gift bag with coupon Office Depot - Depends on location; 20% off, breakfast and give aways Office Max : August 9th- Receive  a free  reusable  tote and  15% off everything inside the tote

Worksheet and Lesson Plan Resources

There are many free websites that I have stumbled upon that share free ideas.  Here is a couple valuable ones, no matter your subject. : Labs, PowerPoint, and worksheets : Labs, worksheets, pictures, and video worksheets : Unit plans with excellent ideas for photosynthesis/cellular respiration and others : Resources for middle school teachers such as lab ideas for many subjects