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Review Game: Grudge Match

 One of the struggles for reviewing material is to make it engaging. A coworker of mine taught me about "Grudge Match" and it was a huge success.

Photo by 傅甬 华 on Unsplash

Materials needed:
  • notebooks/whiteboards/tablets for students to write and display their answers
  • scoreboard that can be erased
  • bank of questions
  • stacking blocks, like Jenga (or some other silly trick for students to do)

The team with the highest final score wins!

How to play:

1. Break students up into small teams of about four students and assign team names.

2. Write the team names on the scoreboard with five hash marks for each team.

3. Instruct students that they are not allowed to consult one another on answers and must write their answers silently on their notebook/whiteboard/tablet or the team will be disqualified from the round.

4. Ask the first question and tell students to put their answers facedown until you ask them to reveal their answers. When they are all ready, every student will show you their answer. For teams where every member got it right, they send one representative to the scoreboard to erase a point from another team. If even one member had the incorrect answer, the team does not get to erase points from another team.

5. Go through the correct answer once everyone is in their seats and an explanation as they erase their answers.

6. Repeat 4-5 for as long as desired.

If a team runs out of points on the board, they can earn a point back on the board by:

    -everyone answering the question correctly in their group

   -the representative successfully removing a Jenga block and adding a point back to their team on the scoreboard. The point MAY NOT be erased from that team for the round.


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