I have had fun making note sheets and decided to build stations to provide the background information necessary to complete the note sheets. Atoms Background Stations & Note Sheet Bundle The atoms background stations provide a kinesthetic way for students to gain a brief background on the structure of atoms (protons, neutrons, electrons, valence electrons, nucleus, and orbits), types of bonds (ionic and covalent), atomic mass, atomic numbers, the periodic table of elements, types of molecules (compounds and elements). 12 stations can be printed for the classroom or shared digitally with students. Each station includes a check for understanding questions to lead to the next station. A student worksheet has a spot to record the station answers. The teacher's guide has the answer key and the order of the stations. (Stations, teacher’s guide, and student worksheet are secured PDFs.) This note sheet is a single secured PDF that includes a black-and-white and a col...
I'm just a science teacher sitting at my computer generating and finding ideas to make learning more enjoyable.