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NGSS Cells

I am proud to announce that I have created lesson plans over the NGSS standards for middle school life science on Molecules to Organisms for 7th grade. You can find the lesson plans for the substring one and two here.

To provide you with an idea of what in includes, I have screenshots of some of the table of contents for the two of them.

For MS-LS1-1, I included a lab where students try to create a working definition of life. This is hard for students. There are resources to help guide them toward it while looking at examples of living and nonliving things.
 MS-LS1-2 includes a lab that my students have really enjoyed as well as readings to help build their understanding of cells. Students will create a cell analogy to further demonstrate their understanding of cell structures and functions.

Both include a critical thinking question to assess student understanding over the standard. I have allowed my students to research the question to help formulate their answers. After all, NGSS is about moving away from memorization and on to problem solving skills.

Both also incorporate phenomena. I use a couple of things that have hooked my students in the past and led to lively conversations.


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